FY22 Sponsorship Opportunities Banner

Sponsorship Gifts

Generous philanthropists partner with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association to support concerts, recitals and the appearances of guest artists and conductors, as well as Negaunee Music Institute programs, through sponsorship gifts. These gifts make a major impact on our organization by helping to sustain its artistic excellence, while bringing sponsors closer to the artists and programming they value most.

Sponsorships begin in the five-figure dollar range. In appreciation for their significant support, sponsors experience one-of-a-kind moments curated to their sponsorship, such as backstage and closed rehearsal access, receptions with artists, special recognition and much more.

Contact the major gifts team or call 312-294-3180 to begin a discussion about your sponsorship gift.

Sponsorship Priorities for the 2021/22 Season

For More Information

We would be happy to help you identify a project that aligns with your passions and interests. Contact our major gifts team to begin a discussion about your sponsorship gift.

Contact Major Gifts

A Profile in Philanthropy
In 1988, Jim and Brenda Grusecki attended a CSO concert together on their first date. Now married for 31 years, they still cherish the orchestra and support the position of CSO Artist-in-Residence, a newly created role held by Hilary Hahn.
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