Negaunee Music Institute Advocates
The Negaunee Music Institute Advocates of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra understand the fundamental importance of music in the life of a community, value the mission of the Negaunee Music Institute and offer their expertise to inform programming and cultivate support for the CSO’s educational and engagement activities. The Advocates represent a variety of backgrounds, professions and geographic areas within the greater Chicago region. Through their advice and enthusiasm, they assist the Negaunee Music Institute in pursuing diversity, equity and inclusion in its activities and programs.
NMI Advocates are invited to concerts and other events throughout the season to expand their familiarity with the breadth of the CSO’s educational programs.
There are no fees to join the Advocates, but Advocates are expected to participate in events, spread the word and invite community connections to Negaunee Music Institute concerts and events.
Join the Negaunee Music Institute Advocates’ email list for more information and invitations by signing up below.