Estate Planning: Frequently Asked Questions
Create or update your estate plans – useful information and options to consider.
Legal Name: Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Address: 220 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60604
Tax ID Number: 36-2167823
Sample Language for a Will or Trust:
For a specific bequest: “I hereby give and bequeath $___ from my estate to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, Chicago, Illinois, for its general purposes.
For a remainder gift: “I hereby give and bequeath all (or ___%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, an Illinois not-for-profit corporation, Chicago, Illinois, for its general purposes.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is planned giving?
Also called gift planning, it is the process of strategically determining your support of an organization. In many cases it refers to a donor’s estate plans where an organization will receive a donation after the donor’s lifetime. There are also forms of planned giving that include current giving and allow donors to see an immediate impact. Planned gifts support the CSOA's long-term fiscal stability and often provide financial benefits to the donor as well.
How can I make a planned gift to the CSOA?
Depending on your financial goals, planned gifts range from something as straightforward as a bequest in your will or trust, to a charitable gift annuity which can provide life income, or naming the CSO as a beneficiary of your retirement fund.
Use our confidential online Planned Gift Calculator to see how a variety of gifts could work for you.
Peruse our Planned Giving Brochure to learn about available options.
How do I benefit from a planned gift?
There are a variety of benefits available to you including reduced taxes, current cash payments (income) and supplemental support for family members and friends. Having a plan also gives you peace of mind that your wishes are clearly defined.
How do my family and loved ones benefit from a planned gift?
Depending on the specific gift you plan, there are arrangements (such as Charitable Gift Annuities) that can provide income for family members or friends. Other plans can reduce income taxes owed by family from your retirement assets.
How does the CSOA benefit from a planned gift?
Planned gifts support the CSO’s long-term fiscal stability and allow the administration to plan for the future.
What is the Theodore Thomas Society?
Named in honor of the founding music director of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, the Theodore Thomas Society is the CSO’s planned giving society. All donors who have included the CSOA in their estate plans are invited to join. Through the Thomas Society, we seek to honor these donors and their commitment to the legacy of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. The Theodore Thomas Society offers special activities and access to VIP Ticket Service, and honors its members by enhancing their appreciation of music and their sense of belonging to the CSO family.
How do I name the CSOA as a beneficiary of my retirement plan or life insurance policy?
Simply name the CSO as a primary or secondary beneficiary on the plan or policy’s beneficiary designation form.
Naming the CSO as a beneficiary of your retirement plan usually offers an important tax advantage since most retirement plans are subject to income taxes — and possibly estate taxes — if left to an individual. If the CSO is named as a beneficiary, the CSOA does not pay income or estate taxes on the distribution.
What is the legal name and tax ID for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra?
Legal Name: Chicago Symphony Orchestra
Tax ID: 36-2167823
Address: 220 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60604
Phone: 312-294-3100
Can my planned gifts be designated for a specific purpose?
Yes, they can be named to support a particular area of interest. Contact CSO staff for input and guidance about ways to structure your gift to ensure its greatest impact.
Whom do I contact?
Feel free to contact a member of our team with any additional questions. We look forward to working with you!
Brian Nelson
Manager, Endowment Gifts and Planned Giving
220 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60604
The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association encourages you to contact your financial or estate planning professional for legal advice.
Learn More
To learn more about making a planned gift to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra or becoming a member of the Theodore Thomas Society:
- Read the CSO’s Guide to Planned Giving
- Check out our latest Planned Giving Newsletter
- Complete our Bequest Intention Form
For More Information
We would be happy to help you understand the options available and the ways to go about setting up a plan that is just right for you. Contact a member of our team to help answer any questions you might have.
Brian Nelson
Manager, Endowment Gifts and Planned Giving
220 S. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60604