Ongoing Ticket Offers

Members receive specially priced tickets for $40 or less to many concerts throughout the season! 

In addition to specially priced tickets to concerts on the AAN season, enjoy your member benefit to access tickets for $40 or less to an even wider variety of concerts at Symphony Center.

  • Step 1: Visit the calendar listing for performances that have the AAN ticket offer available. (Promo code “AAN” will automatically be activated. AAN tickets usually become available 1-4 weeks ahead of the concert date with newly eligible concerts typically added on Thursday afternoons.) 
  • Step 2: Choose your preferred concert. All seats available with this special offer will display on the seat map. Select your seats and add to your order.
  • Step 3: Proceed through the checkout process. Tickets will be delivered by email, unless you select another delivery method. Additional fees may apply for other delivery methods.
  • Step 4: Attend the concert!