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Soundpost — A preconcert series that explores the innovative side of classical music

Explore another side of Symphony Center through Soundpost, the Overture Council’s event series that examines music’s cutting edge.

Soundpost is a live event series that explores the ever-evolving medium of music — highlighting artists, individuals and companies who challenge the ways in which we interact, experience and view classical music. 

The goal of Soundpost is to expand the reach of CSO programming by focusing on the next generation of classical music audiences, those ages 21-45. Soundpost events attract a wide spectrum of attendees, from young professionals who may be unfamiliar with the CSO to avid symphony patrons. Soundpost aims to creatively modernize the way in which the CSO interacts with its audience. 

Upcoming Events

Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6:30 p.m. at Symphony Center
Soundpost: The Reset | An immersive sound experience with Davin Youngs

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Previous Events

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 5:30 p.m. at Buntrock Hall (Symphony Center)
Soundpost: Remixing Transit | Found Sounds with Rachel Steele

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Thursday, January 26, 2023, 6:30 p.m. at Symphony Center
Soundpost: Restorative Resonance | An Immersive Sound Experience with Davin Youngs

When was the last time you had an experience with music that penetrated deeper than your ears? One that resonated through your soul and transported you to another place without leaving your seat.

Join singer and sound healing artist Davin Youngs on the stage of Orchestra Hall for an immersive sonic experience that will invite you to do just that… become sound.

Blending ancient and contemporary tools, Davin will use his voice, electronic looping devices, crystal-singing bowls, tuning forks and other overtone-emitting instruments to create a container of sound for healing and transformation.

Photo Gallery

Saturday, June 11, 2022, 5:45 p.m. at Buntrock Hall (Symphony Center)
Soundpost: algoRYTHMS | How automation, innovation and computing will shape the future of sound

What happens when the way we produce and understand sound changes?

Technology is constantly evolving, and because of it, how we understand one another and the world also has to evolve alongside it. At Soundpost: AlgoRHYTHMS, Visda Goudarzi, assistant professor of audio arts and acoustics at Columbia College Chicago, will walk us through how technology is being used as a tool to push the boundaries of sound by producing not only novel sounds but also innovative works of music. We’ll find out how the ability to create previously impossible sounds and the capacity to apply automation technologies to composing and performing opens an entirely new realm of exploration in the pursuit of music.