
Mother and Child
The Carnival of the Animals
Make an afternoon of your visit to Symphony Center with this easy-to-use guide, including parking and dining deals and fun postconcert activities.
From 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m., Family Matinee attendees have access to an array of free Orchestra Explorer Activities located on floors 1-5 of the Symphony Center Rotunda:
To access the Rotunda, enter Symphony Center at 67 E. Adams St. and walk straight back. From the Michigan Avenue lobby, walk down the Arcade Hallway to the right of the box office until you reach the Rotunda.
Support for Chicago Symphony Orchestra Association programming for children and families is provided by Abbott Fund, John D. and Leslie Henner Burns, John Hart and Carol Prins, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Kinder Morgan, The Negaunee Foundation, PNC, Courtney Shea, Megan and Steve Shebik, Michael and Linda Simon, the Walter and Caroline Sueske Charitable Trust and an anonymous family foundation.