The CSO Latino Alliance bids a fond farewell to Maestro Riccardo Muti

Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión, co-chair of the CSO Latino Alliance, introduces Riccardo Muti at A Night for Celebration in June.

Todd Rosenberg Photography

How can you express all you have experienced as a CSO patron under Muti’s tenure?

I have attended concerts at Symphony Center since my days in college, when I moved to Chicago. Throughout the last 13 or so seasons, I have seen Maestro Riccardo Muti inspire audiences as he leads the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, bringing his passion and seeking excellence from CSO musicians wherever they perform. I can also say that I have always enjoyed the power of music as it revitalizes my spirit every time that I attend the CSO. I also have followed Muti’s work as he nurtures young talent, shaping them into the musicians they are today.

I have had the privilege to meet him in person on various occasions, but one occasion stands out as particularly special. In early 2017, I had a chat with him, as I and Loida Rosario, a fellow co-chair of the CSO Latino Alliance, met him backstage. It was right before things got hectic, with people waiting for him after the concert. The three of us chatted about the work we were doing with our affinity group, the CSO Latino Alliance. He stated that there is a need to bring out the Latin in all of us, and he went on to mention how Latin culture is everywhere. 

Then he gave me the ultimate compliment by switching to speaking in Italian, since I had conversed with him in Italian before. He told me that the word “Latino” can trace its origins to the former Roman Empire and that empire has influenced the world, so we are all Latin. The maestro knows exactly how he wants you to know he is a proud Italian, just as he knows how a symphony performance should sound.

As I reflect on the moments of musical bliss I have experienced during his concerts, I can only imagine what other CSO patrons have experienced. At each of his concerts I attended, he always received extensive applause as a conductor. He truly has dedicated himself to the pursuit of perfection and in the process has allowed us to experience beautiful, timeless music.

Maestro Muti, we will miss your baton and how you lead the orchestra while serving as a messenger for the composer and transmitting a unified vision of the music to the audience. Yet as we say our farewells, let us also celebrate the legacy that you leave behind. Your contribution from Chicago to the world of music is immeasurable.

The melodies you have conducted, the passion you have infused into each performance and the harmony you have brought us have left an indelible mark on our hearts.

On behalf of the CSO Latino Alliance, I express our deepest gratitude for your exceptional leadership and unwavering dedication. We wish you all the best in your new adventures. May the melodies of life continue to accompany you on this next journey.

Farewell, Maestro Muti, and thank you for the symphonic magic you have bestowed upon us.

With utmost respect and admiration,

Ramiro J. Atristaín-Carrión
Founding chair and now co-chair of the CSO Latino Alliance