Board of Trustees

  • Mary Louise Gorno
  • Chester A. Gougis
    Vice Chair
  • Steven Shebik
    Vice Chair
  • Helen Zell
    Vice Chair
  • Renée Metcalf
  • Jeff Alexander
  • Kristine Stassen
    Secretary of the Board
  • Stacie M. Frank
    Assistant Treasurer
  • Dale Hedding
    Vice President for Development
Honorary Trustees
  • The Honorable Lori Lightfoot
    Honorary Chair
  • The Honorable Richard M. Daley
  • R. John Aalbregtse
  • Peter J. Barack
  • H. Rigel Barber
  • Randy Lamm Berlin
  • Roderick Branch
  • Kay Bucksbaum
  • Robert J. Buford
  • Johannes Burlin
  • Leslie Henner Burns
  • Marion A. Cameron-Gray
  • George P. Colis
  • Keith S. Crow
  • Stephen V. D’Amore
  • Timothy A. Duffy
  • Brian W. Duwe
  • Charles Emmons, Jr.*
  • Judith E. Feldman*
  • Jennifer Amler Goldstein
  • Graham C. Grady
  • John Holmes
  • Lori Julian
  • Neil T. Kawashima
  • Geraldine Keefe
  • Donna L. Kendall
  • Thomas Kilroy
  • Dr. Randall S. Kroszner
  • Patty C. Lane
  • Susan C. Levy
  • Vikram Luthar
  • Renée Metcalf
  • Britt M. Miller
  • Sharon Mitchell*
  • Toni-Marie Montgomery
  • Mary Pivirotto Murley
  • Sylvia Neil
  • Christopher J. O’Herlihy
  • Santa J. Ono
  • Gerald Pauling III
  • LTC. Jennifer N. Pritzker, USA (Ret.)
  • Dr. Don M. Randel
  • Dr. Mohan Rao
  • Melissa M. Root
  • Burton X. Rosenberg
  • E. Scott Santi
  • Steven Shebik
  • Marlon R. Smith
  • Walter S. Snodell
  • Dr. Eugene Stark
  • Daniel E. Sullivan, Jr.
  • Scott C. Swanson
  • Nasrin Thierer
  • Liisa M. Thomas
  • Frederick H. Waddell
  • Paul S. Watford
  • Craig R. Williams
  • Robert Wislow
  • Ann Marie Wright
  • Helen Zell
  • Gifford R. Zimmerman
  • *Ex Officio Trustee
Life Trustees
  • William Adams IV
  • Mrs. Robert A. Beatty
  • Arnold M. Berlin
  • Laurence O. Booth
  • William G. Brown
  • Dean L. Buntrock
  • Bruce E. Clinton
  • Richard Colburn
  • Richard H. Cooper
  • Anthony T. Dean
  • Charles Douglas †
  • John A. Edwardson
  • Thomas J. Eyerman
  • James B. Fadim
  • David W. Fox, Sr.
  • Cyrus F. Freidheim, Jr.
  • H. Laurance Fuller †
  • Mrs. Robert W. Galvin
  • Paul C. Gignilliat
  • Joseph B. Glossberg
  • Richard C. Godfrey
  • William A. Goldstein
  • Mary Louise Gorno
  • Howard L. Gottlieb
  • Chester A. Gougis
  • Mary Winton Green
  • Dietrich Gross †
  • David P. Hackett
  • Joan W. Harris
  • John H. Hart
  • Thomas C. Heagy
  • Jay L. Henderson
  • Debora de Hoyos
  • William R. Jentes
  • Paul R. Judy †
  • Richard B. Kapnick
  • Donald G. Kempf, Jr.
  • Mrs. John C. Kern
  • Robert Kohl
  • Josef Lakonishok
  • Charles Ashby Lewis
  • Eva F. Lichtenberg
  • John S. Lillard †
  • John F. Manley
  • Ling Z. Markovitz
  • R. Eden Martin
  • Arthur C. Martinez
  • Judith W. McCue
  • Lester H. McKeever
  • David E. McNeel
  • John D. Nichols †
  • James J. O'Connor †
  • William A. Osborn
  • Mrs. Albert Pawlick
  • Jane DiRenzo Pigott
  • John M. Pratt
  • Dr. Irwin Press
  • John W. Rogers, Jr.
  • Jerry Rose
  • Frank A. Rossi
  • Earl J. Rusnak, Jr. †
  • John R. Schmidt
  • Thomas C. Sheffield, Jr.
  • Robert C. Spoerri
  • Carl W. Stern
  • William H. Strong
  • Louis C. Sudler, Jr.
  • Richard L. Thomas
  • Richard P. Toft
  • Penny Van Horn
  • Paul R. Wiggin
  • †Indicates deceased