Backstage at the CSO: Lamont Moore, security manager

"When you love doing what you do, when you love people, it makes the job easier," says Lamont Moore, security manager at Symphony Center. "The music [here] is beautiful. It’s healing for everybody."

Todd Rosenberg Photography

Now in his 11th year as security manager at Symphony Center, Lamont Moore is in charge of protecting patrons, performers, staffers and anyone else who enters the doors of 220 S. Michigan Ave.

It’s also his job to maintain order, safeguard scores of rare and expensive instruments and travel with Riccardo Muti on the maestro’s community outreach excursions. Moore spoke recently, and fondly, about what he does and why he does it.

What are your main duties at Symphony Center?

My main duty as a security manager is to make sure everybody feels safe and hopefully prevent things before they happen. When patrons come to concerts, I want to make sure that someone’s not coming to disrupt things or cause a problem. We also want to help if patrons have a problem — if they’re uncomfortable or something makes them feel upset. We very seldom have big problems here, but you can’t be complacent anywhere. So we try to tighten up here and be very vigilant and watch everything that we can watch — and then not hesitate to question it or take action on it. Nothing in security is 100 percent, but we do the best we can do.

How did you arrive at your current position?

I am originally from Buffalo, New York. I went into the Navy in 1982, and I retired in 2002. I was a navigator and spent 12½ years on ships. I was in the Persian Gulf, Beirut, Libya, Haiti. For the last three years I was in Sasebo, Japan, on an admiral staff. Then I came back to Naval Station Great Lakes near Chicago and wanted to stay here. So I decided to do security and ended up first at Ogilvie Center and then for the same company at Symphony Center.

Were you a fan of classical music before starting here?

All through my Navy career, I was always listening to classical music — Mozart, Tchaikovsky. I listen to it all the time at home. It’s very relaxing for me mentally and physically.

What are your favorite aspects of the job?

People. When you love doing what you do, when you love people, it makes the job easier. You don’t mind coming to work. You don’t mind giving 110 percent. You don’t mind putting in extra effort, because the people are nice, and the music is beautiful. It’s healing for everybody. I really enjoy helping the seniors get in, too. I’m getting a little bit older, so maybe that’s why, but it feels good for me to help them get in and get out. They come in droves, and they give you hope that you can live to be 100.

How much interaction have you had with Maestro Muti?

I’ve gone to certain places with him. I’ve gone out to Wheaton [College, for the CSO at Wheaton series], Champaign, Millennium Park. He’s like Beyoncé, and some people get overly enthusiastic around him. They don’t mean anything, but you have to be considerate of your actions when you approach someone. So I have a lot of interaction with him and orchestra members. If they need something, I’m more than willing to do it. I put no one on hold.

What are you doing when you’re not working at Symphony Center?

I also provide security at a huge church I’ve been going to at 38th and Indiana. Churches have their issues [with people] coming in the door, believe me. And I’m on another board with some Christian people out in Oak Brook. We’re developing this program where we can go into churches and teach people how to be safe during worship services.

I don’t want to live [security], but it seems like I’m living it. My schedule never stops. I really like to just read a book and have a glass of tea or wine. Just relax. I try to go to the gym a little bit, too. And I have two lovely daughters and two granddaughters in Virginia, so I get a chance to see them every summer. I’ve also got seven brothers I meet up with every June in Buffalo. I’m the middle child. We barbecue, laugh and have a good time. But I tell them I can’t stay long.